In 1989 Disney released “The Little Mermaid”. Based on the life of a mermaid Ariel (Jodi Benson) who is not your typical mermaid. She is one of the seven daughters of King Triton (Kenneth Mars) who gets herself into trouble.
Ariel lives her own life and does what she wants. She is fascinated by the humans and the world they live in. Ariel likes to collect things from the human world, and finds out from her seagull friend Scuttle (Buddy Hackett) what they are named and what they use them for. Ariel discovers a fork, which Scuttle calls a “dinglehopper” and tells Ariel that humans use to do their hair.
Ariel manages to get herself in some trouble living under the sea. Especially with Ursula (Pat Carroll) the sea witch. Ariel dreams to interact with the humans and with the help of Ursula she gives her the chance to do that. Ursula gives Ariel the chance to become human for three days, but takes her voice away. Ariel has to do her best to get Prince Eric (Christopher Daniel Barnes) to fall in love with her without speaking to him. If she can’t get him to fall in love with her in three days she will go back to being a mermaid and be Ursula’s prisoner.
Will Ariel be able to get Eric to fall in love with her? Will she be able to stay human forever or will she go back to being a mermaid? With the help of all her friends under the sea Ariel does her best to stay human and learn about the human life.
--Ally Laudage
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